LeadConduit is now running in the cloud.
When you log in you will find older leads are not yet migrated. We are in the process of backfilling this data, starting with the most recent submissions and moving back in time. If you perform an export for older data, it may not contain all of the leads you expect. Batch deliveries may also be delayed, as we will not be re-enabling them until noon on September 23rd, central time. Similarly, providing return or conversion feedback on older leads will result in an HTTP 404 during this period. We estimate that the backfilling process will be complete within 48 hours.
If you have implemented volume caps, you may have received slightly more volume than your cap allowed. This was the result of a delay in moving the counters from the old environment to the Cloud.
We were successfully able to move all functionality over with minimal disruption. There was a brief period of time where a small percentage of lead submissions resulted in an HTTP status other than 201. If you received any HTTP response other than 201, those leads will need to be resubmitted. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions on best practices for resubmissions.
Thank you for your patience while we move into our new home. If you see anything unexpected or have any questions, please reach out to our team at support@activeprospect.com.